Are THESE Elderberry Flowers?
This is in response to the lovely “comment” from Louise Nazeraj on the Hedgehog question. This thing is called here “Rrush-qeni” or Dog Grapes. In fall they make many black berries. I think maybe they’re elderberries? I hope so, because I want to make that cordial!!! Louise: I would have just answered your email, but I can’t put pictures that way. Everyone here says that they do NOT eat these or do anything with them. But as also many herbs – thyme, mint etc — grow here in profusion and yet we do not normally put them in the food, I am wondering if this is a great un-tapped resource?!
In other news, the Hedgehog is very well. Just this evening I was working after dark in the new office (where she lives) and she was wuffling around my ankles and sticking her nose in my socks. I picked her up and put her on my lap, where she promptly burrowed into my sweater. Super-sweet!