Malesori Moral Dilemmas : Vol 1

Greetings, Amateur Philosphers!  Here is the question for today.  “Do you tell Alfred when you have unthinkingly lodged a Very Large Hedgehog underneath the refrigerator in his newly refurbished restaurant?”  Mitigating factors to consider:  Alfred is, at the time, in bed with an extremely swollen face from a bad tooth.  On the other hand, the last time someone spotted a Hedgehog, and Catherine (I) rushed out and failed to catch said Hedgehog (possibly the Hedgehog of the first part), Alfred greeted her (my) Hedge-hog-less return with a distinct air of derision.  To quote:  “You didn’t cotched it?” Further factors:  Once extricated from the refrigerator (achieved at time of writing, never fear), Hedgehog can clearly be lodged in new office which has been built by Alfred for Catherine.  Ancillary query:  Does anyone know what Hedgehogs like to eat?  She seems fond of sausages and eggs.  Possibly she is a British Hedgehog.

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3 Responses to “Malesori Moral Dilemmas : Vol 1”

  1. Louise NazerajNo Gravatar says:

    How gorgeous! British hedgehogs are becoming fewer and fewer but Edi tells me there are thousands in the forests above his home in Aranitas. When we were little we would feed the one in our garden with bread and milk but apparently that’s not so good for them. Meat is better so I guess sausages would do!! I only discovered the other day that baby hedgehogs are called hoglets, which delights me no end. I’m so enjoying your updates and hope that we can come and see you soon. Do you have elderflowers in Valbona? We’ve got loads of them blossoming in London at the moment and they make the most beautiful cordial – we made some yesterday. Great with vodka…not sure about raki, it would probably kill the beautiful aroma!
    15 heads (umbels) of elderflowers
    1 lemon sliced
    40g citric acid (I don’t know where you’d get this but chemists sell it here!)
    900g castor sugar
    500ml boiling water
    Put the flowers, citric acid, sugar and lemons in a bowl and pour over the boiling water. Leave to steep in a cool dark place for four days and bottle in scrupulously clean bottles.
    Louise x

  2. SarahNo Gravatar says:

    When last in Italy we encountered two sleeping hoglets (thank you Louise) in a barn under the straw. Later in the day one of them was teetering to and fro across the parking lot followed by a line of kittens. I can’t shake the image. Glad yours has a happy lap to snuggle into…I worried about that lone little. I read that they’re insectivores. No doubt you have a few of those around.

    Good to catch up on your goings on Catherine. Sounds like you’ve landed in a wonderful place and family. xox sarah

  3. Era BajramiNo Gravatar says:

    Hi 😀
    I think that’s Heny? Or is that the Mother ?

    Have an Nice day

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