Mark Zef Koceku
price from €8,00/night
Hotel Description
Shtepia e (House of) Mark Zef Koceku : My next favorite house wins be-cause it is bang next to the Kulla, because when you go inside you feel the most like you’re travelling back in time – even down to the lovely little b&w photos of Mark’s father and mother – or was it grandparents? – but anyhow her name was . . . Catherine! The rooms are truly gorgeous and I hope he NEVER improves them and not the least for Mark himself who is a true highland gentleman who frequently calls up Alfred for a chat to make sure he (Alfred) is feeling healthy – bearing in mind he’s never met Alfred – and addresses him as “O Shoku Alfredi” (Friend Alfred), and when I call him up to ask him what the prices are this year he answers “O Catherine – Cfare te duash!” (Oh Catherine, whatever you want!). Also he is always sending us enormous bidans of raki by return horse . . . . he is lovely. Now they have a nice new website, email at and his number is (0)69 34 42 945, but I think he only has Albanian. His daughter Dijana in Shkoder speaks English I think (0)69 26 48 278. . . . anyhow she can take bookings as well. And I’m happy to call him for you as well, just ask.
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