
This region includes Pac and heads east toward the region of Has and eventually on to Kukes. It is arguably the least explored and most unknown area of Tropoja which is weird given that it’s actually one of the easiest to get to as for once there are relatively few towering mountains and it’s mostly rolling hills.  There is a low population and high poverty, with most people finding work in the (pretty ghastly) chrome mines or relying on livestock and beekeeping (much more attractive).  Despite the fact that we don’t know of a single guesthouse in the entire region, this area is named after the Bytyci clan or fis which are famous for (and pride themselves on) being the most friendly and hospitable of all Tropojans, making it ideal for the adventurous travel hoping to rely on the kindness of strangers.

There’s a narrow and windy car road that crosses the area, connecting Bajram Curri and Kukes – making it the alternative route to going through Kosova.  Probably really fun for people on motorbikes.

I suspect that the area is really really good for bird watching.  Only based on what I’ve seen from the car, but I swear you see more birds even from the car than you normally do in the national park.

Somewhere around Berisha there’s supposed to be a lake, where one woman told me she saw “the most colorful birds I’ve ever seen” – something to go looking for!  Maybe Bee-eaters?

The rolling hills make it perfect for horse trekking – and the old horse culture survives here in strength.  

Agriculture buffs might enjoy participating in the annual hay harvest (or wheat or corn) – hint – everything is still cut by hand with a scythe, and stacked into Breugel-esque haystacks.

In a weird geological note, this is where Tropoja includes a band of, um . . . “Jurassic Ultramafic Massifs.”  Does that mean there could be dinosaur bones?

Traditional horse trekking

Favorite Itinerary